De-Fashioning Education – sources & resources

(online list)

  • Atkinson, Dennis (2017) Art, Disobedience, and Ethics: The Adventure of Pedagogy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer Nature.

  • Ahmed, Tanveer (2018) ‘”All about Love”: How would bell hooks teach fashion design?’ conference paper, Design Research Society, Catalyst, University of Limerick, 25–28 June. 

  • Ahmed,Tanveer (2021) ‘Anti-Racist Design: A Decolonial Feminist Approach to Fashion’ in: Paim, N. and Mareis, C. (eds). Design Struggles: Intersecting Histories, Pedagogies and Perspectives. Valiz

  • Ahmed, Tanveer (2022) ‘Are fashion sketchbooks racist?’ in: Fashion, Style & Popular Culture. Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 367-381, doi:

  • Ahmed, Tanveer (2022), ‘Towards a decolonial feminist fashion design reading list?’alj, published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of ARLIS, doi: 10.1017/alj.2021.26,

  • Albers, Josef (1934) Concerning Art Instruction’ Black Mountain College Bulletin, Series 1, No. 2, June,

  • Barry, Ben (2021) ‘How to Transform Fashion Education: A Manifesto for Equity, Inclusion, and Decolonization’ in: International Journal of Fashion Studies. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 123–30.

  • Barry, Ben & Christel, Deborah A. (eds.) (2023)Fashion Education: The Systemic Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  • Behrens, Roy R. (2003) ‘Teaching as a Subversive Inactivity: The Responsible Design Teacher’ in: Heller, Steven & Vienne, Véronique (eds.) Citizen Designer: Perspectives on Design Responsibility. New York: Allworth Press

  • Berg, Maggie & Seeber, Barbara K. (2016) The Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy. Toronto: University of Tornoto Press.

  • Bide, Bethan (2021) ‘Class and creativity in fashion education: A comparison of the pedagogies of making and design at British technical schools and art and design schools, 1870s–1950s’ in: International Journal of Fashion Studies. Vol. 8(2), pp. 175–94. (DOI: 10.1386/infs_00049_1)

  • Bill, Amanda (2012) ‘“Blood Sweat and Shears” Happiness, Creativity and Fashion Education' in: Fashion Theory. Vol. 16(1), pp. 49–65.

  • Biondi, Annachiara (2020) ‘White Staff And a White Curriculum: Inside Fashion Education’ in: Vogue Business. online resource, 29 June

  • Bucci, Alessandro & Faggella, Chiara (2018) ‘Parallel Universes: Fashion Studies Education Today’ in: International Journal of Fashion Studies. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 149–54.

  • Canning, Georgia (2020) ‘Why Are Students Leaving Fashion Education?’ in: Granary 1. online resource, 6 May, (19.5.2020)

  • Carlotto, Federica & McCreesh, Natalie (ed.) (2018) Engaging with Fashion: Perspectives on Communication, Education and Business. Leiden & Boston: Brill Rodopi.

  • Centre for Sustainable Fashion (2018) ‘Convening the Fashion Education System’ online resource, (28.10.2019) (digicopy)
  • Crilly, Jess, Panesar, Lucy, & Suka-Bill, Zey (2020). Co-constructing a Liberated / Decolonised Arts Curriculum.Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 17(2).

  • Christel, Deborah A. (2018) ‘Fat Fashion: Fattening Pedagogy in Apparel Design’ in: Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society. Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 44–55.

  • Demos, T. J. (2017) ‘The Great Transition: The Arts and Radical System Change’ in: E-Flux, online resource, April,

  • Dhillon, Kam (2016) ‚Failure to Launch: Is Fashion Education Failing Young Designers?‘  online article 1 June, (27/2/2019)

  • Do Carmo Teixeira Rainho, Maria & Volpi, Maria Cristina (2018) ‘Looking at Brazilian Fashion Studies: Fifty Years of Research and Education in: International Journal of Fashion Studies. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 211–25.

  • Dorst, Kees (2017) ‘Educating Designers’ in: Notes on Design: How Creative Practice Works. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers, pp. 76–93.

  • Downing Peters, Lauren (2014) ‘Fashion or Dress? Pedagogical Issues in Fashion Theory’ in: Cuaderno 48, Vol. 14, No. 48, June, pp. 113–27.

  • Downing Peters, Lauren & Pecorari, Marco (2018) ‘Towards a nomadic canon?’ in: International Journal of Fashion Studies. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 7–12.  

  • Edelkoort, Lidewij (2015) ‘Anti_Fashion: A Manifesto for the Next Decade’ Paris: Trendunion

  • Escobar, Arturo (2017) Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the making of Worlds.

  • Faerm, Steven (2012) ‘Towards a Future Pedagogy: The Evolution of fashion Design Education’ in: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 2 (23), December, pp. 210–9.  

  • Faerm, Steven (2015) ‘Building Best Practice for Fashion Design Pedagogy: Meaning, Preparation, and Impact’ in: Cuaderno 53, Vol. 16, No, 53, pp. 189–213.  

  • Fletcher, Kate & Mathilda Tham (2019) Earth Logic: Fashion Action Research Plan.The J J Charitable Trust.

  • Freire, Paolo (1970/1993) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Transl. Myra Bergman Ramos, London: Penguin.

  • Freire, Paolo (1992/2021) Pedagogy of Hope: Reliving Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Transl. Robert B. Parr, London & New York: Bloomsbury Academics.

  • Fromm, Erich (1976) To Have or to Be?New York: Harper & Row.

  • Gale, Colin (2013) ‘The Future of Fashion Education: An Opinion’ in: Fine Arts International Journal, Srinakharinwirot University. Vol15 (1), January – June, pp. 29–33. / (25.10.2019)
  • Gaugele, Elke & Titton, Monica (eds.) (2019) Fashion and Postcolonial Critique. Vienna: Sternberg Press.

  • Gropius, Walter (1919) Programm des staatlichen Bauhauses in Weimar. Weimar: Staatlichen Bauhaus.

  • Gurminder K. Bhambra & Gebrial, Dalia & Nişancıoğlu, Kerem (eds.) (2018) Decolonising the University. London: Pluto Press.

  • Hegland, Jane E. (2010) ‘Dress and Fashion Education: Design and Business’ in: Eicher, Joanne B. (ed.) Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, Volume 10: Global Perspectives. Oxford & New York: Berg, pp. 311–7.

  • Hermann, Ulrike (2022) Das Ende des Kapitalismus: Warum Wachstum und Klimaschutz nicht vereinbar sind – und wie wir in Zukunft leben. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch.

  • Hickel, Jason (2022) ‘Degrowth’ in: Thunberg, Greta (creator) The Climate Book. London: Allen Lane, pp. 310–312.  

  • hooks, bell (1994) Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. New York: Routledge.

  • hooks, bell (2003) Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope.New York: Routledge.

  • hooks, bell (2010) Teaching Critical Wisdom: Practical Wisdom.New York: Routledge.

  •  Hickel, Jason (2020) Less Is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World. London: Penguin Books.

     Kallis, Giorgos & Paulson, Susan & D’Alisa, Giacomo & Federico, Demaria  (2020) The Case for Degrowth. Cambridge: Polity Press.

    Schmelzer, Matthias & Vetter, Andrea (2019) Degrowth / Postwachstum: Zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius Verlag.

    Schmelzer, Matthias & Vetter, Andrea & Vansintjan, Aaron (2022) The Future is Degrowth: A Guide to a World Beyond Capitalism. London: Verso.

  • Ivan Illich (1971) Deschooling Society. London: Marion Boyars.

  • Jahoda, Susan & Woolard, Caroline (2019) Making and Being. New York: Pioneer Works Press,

  • Jonas, Hans (1979) Das Prinzip Verantwortung: Versuch einer Ethik für die technologische Zivilisation. Frankfurt/M: Suhrkamp.

  • Jonas, Hans (1984) The Imperative of Responsibility: In Search of Ethics for the Technological Age. trans. Hans Jonas and David Herr, Chicago: (University of Chicago Press.

  • Kent, Corita & Steward, Jan (2008) Learning by Heart: Teachings to Free the Creative Spirit. New York: Allworth Press.

  • Kent, Holly M. (ed.) (2018) Teaching Fashion Studies. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts.  

  • Meadows, Donella H. & Meadows, Dennis L. & Randers, Jørgen & Behrens III, Williams W. (1972) The Limits to Growth: A Report for The Club of Rome’s Project on The Predicament of Mankind. New York: Universe Books.

  • Moten, Fred & Harney, Stefano (2013) The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study. London: Minor Compositions.

  • Niessen, Sandra (2022) 'Defining Defashion: A Manifesto for Degrowth' in: International Journal of Fashion Studies. Vol. 9(2), pp. 439–444.

  • Rego, Mauro (2018) ‘Hacking Education’ in: Design lernen: Diskurs, Praxis und Innovation in der Designlehre. München: kopaed, pp. 111– 9.  

  • Postman, Neil & Weingartner, Charles (1969) Teaching as a Subversive Activity. Harmondsworth & New York: Penguin Books.

  • Rissanen, Timo (2017) ‘Possibility in Fashion Design Education: A Manifesto’ in: Utopian Studies. Vol. 28 No. 3, pp. 528–46.

  • Robinson, Ken with Aronica, Lou (2016) Creative Schools. London: Penguin Books.

  • Ross, Kristin (2016) ‘Communal Luxury’ in: Communal Luxury: The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune. London & New York: Verso, pp. 39–65.

  • Saluja, Kavita (2017) ‘”The Rabbit Hole”: New Frameworks of Awareness for Fashion Pedagogy’ in: Fashion – Scope: (Art & Design) 15, pp. 120–7.

  • Schreiber, Franziska & Stauss, Renate (2020) ‘Mapping Fashion Education: Kontext, Dimensionen und Zukünfte’ in: Design & Bildung. Vol. 3, pp. 118–29.

  • Suissa, Judith (2006) Anarchism and education: A philosophical perspective. London: Routledge.

  • The Fashion Praxis Collective (2014) ‘Fashion Education’ in: The Fashion Condition. New York: Self Passage, pp. 77–80.  

  • Thorne, Sam (2012) ‘New Schools’ in: Frieze. Online resources, Issue 149, 1 September

  • Thorne, Sam (2017) School, A Recent History of Self-Organised Art Education. Berlin: Sternberg Press.

  • Trainer, Ted (2012) ‘“Education” under Consumer-Capitalism, and The Simpler Way Alternative’ Simplicity Institute Report 12m.

  • University of the Underground (2017) ‘What is the Design of Experiences’ Manifesto?’

  • Williams, Dilys (2016) ‘Transition to Transformation in Fashion Education for Sustainability’ in: Leal Filho Walter & Brandli Luciana (eds.) Engaging Stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development at University Level. Cham: Springer, pp. 217–32.  

  • Williams, Dilys and Toth-Fejel, Katelyn (2017) ‘The Will and the Skill in Education for Sustainability’ in: Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Springer, pp. 79-94.

  • Vaughan, Suzi (2015) ‘Fashion your Future: Think More Like a Fashion Designer’ TEDxQUT (‘)


The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education wants to create connections and actions within and across different fashion learning cultures and contexts. It was founded in 2019 as a participatory and outcome-oriented space and a series of conferences focused on the learning and teaching of fashion. It aims to explore and illustrate the diversity and complexity of the field and the practices of fashion education, and to foster a greater understanding of its pasts, presents and futures – methods, values and didactic, pedagogic and epistemological questions – creating a global exchange to inspire mutual learning, collaborative research and shared action.

The Multilogues are organized by Franziska Schreiber & Dr. Renate Stauss, who are brought together and driven by their love for making and wearing fashion, for learning and thinking through fashion, and their belief in its connective, educational and transformative potential.


Dr. Renate Stauss is Assistant Professor of Fashion Studies at The American University of Paris in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture. She is also a lecturer at the Berlin University of the Arts. 
Franziska Schreiber is a fashion designer and currently holds a professorship for „fashion I body I digitality“ at the Berlin University of the Arts.


Fashion is a great teacher because it provides a fantastic lens to learn about the world and its people, about history, politics and culture. Join Renate Stauss and Franziska Schreiber, to discover the most inspiring voices in fashion education, their take on the how and why of learning and teaching fashion, their doubts and hopes, their lessons from fashion.


This series of Fashion is a great teacher brings you Provocations and a Choir of Ideas from The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2023: De-Fashioning Education; a Critical Thinking and Making Conference. We invited speakers from every continent to share their concerns, questions and ideas: Anjana Das, Mayank Mansingh Kaul, Sandra Niessen, Sunny Dolat, Otto von Busch, and Christina H. Moon, as they navigate the complexities of de-fashioning education, cultural inclusivity, sustainability, and transformative partnerships. This series invites listeners to join a global community rethinking fashion education for essential de-growth and diverse, interconnected futures.

Listen to the latest episode!
Season 2 / Episode 4

Otto von Busch & Christina H. Moon  on ‘Fashion & Vitality’

This episode brings you ‘Fashion & Vitality’ – the Provocation Dialogue by Otto von Busch & Christina Moon at The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2023: De-Fashioning Education – A Critical Thinking and Making Conference in Berlin.

Otto von Busch is Professor of Integrated Design at Parsons School of Design. In his research he explores how the powers of fashion can be bent to achieve a positive personal and social condition with which the Everyperson is free to grow to their full potential.

Christina Moon is an Associate Professor of Fashion Studies in the School of Art and Design History and Theory at Parsons School of Design, The New School in New York. Her most recent project on the wardrobe explores the interplay of image, clothing, text and textile through diaspora, exile, and longing.


Come together! - towards a collaborative community of fashion educators. Join this global community mapping, inaugurated at The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2020

Please join on Padlet!


Fashioning education is a collaborative research initiative to open, facilitate and formalise the debate on fashion education against the backdrop of global social transformations.

Project website


© 2022 Fashion is a great teacher

Franziska Schreiber & Renate Stauss GbR
Lychener Str. 82
10437 Berlin

design & implementation
Gina Mönch,  Anastasia Almosova

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